

Jan 20, 2024

Really Cheap Redneck Hack Can Reduce Heat in Your Home by 75%

Some people are offended by the term "Redneck". I am not. I have been accused of being one and I don't mind the moniker at all. The term, which is generally applied as a description of residents of the southern United States who happen to live in predominantly rural areas has been a source of humor and inspiration over the years.

Comedian Jeff Foxworthy made a fortune telling "redneck jokes". Of course, Jeff can get away with doing that because, well he's a redneck too.

One of the common themes of "redneck" humor is how rural southern people adapt and overcome the changing situations life throws in their direction. For example, the back seat of an old car seat can be repurposed as front porch furniture. A single lady's earring can become a fishing lure. And, a common kitchen staple can be modified to save you a lot of money on your air conditioning bill.

If you'd like to save what could amount to hundreds of dollars over time on your home's electricity bill then all you're going to need to do that is a little soap and water and a roll of aluminium foil.

Here's how it works.

If you have any large windows that face direct sunlight, those windows are usually going to be on the eastern side of your home in the morning and the western side of your home in the evenings. All you have to do is stand near them when that sunlight is streaming in to feel just how much heat is being transferred into your home.

Sure, you could opt for high-tech window screens or tinting or you could do what the rednecks do. Just cover the window with a piece of aluminium foil. Here's why it works.

One of the properties of aluminium foil is that it reflects heat. So by applying the foil to your window glass you've placed a barrier between your home's comfort and the unbearable heat brought on by the summer sun.

The application of the foil to the windows is easy. Just take a rag and soak it in soapy water. Then wet the surface of the window glass. Cut a piece of foil sized to fit the window and apply it to the glass. The soapy water will help the foil adhere to the glass.

Just like that, you're saving money. Now, if you're concerned about being thought of as "trashy" don't worry. The foil can be removed once the sun has changed its position in relation to your home. The foil can be easily peeled off and even reused the next day.

And, because this hack is so easy to install and uninstall you can use it whenever you feel the need. For example, during times of extreme heat and high energy bills, you might feel that need more often than you would on a crisp fall day.

And, if you're a day sleeper or you have a job that requires an early wake-up call, the foil also works as a fantastic blackout curtain too. No, it's not fashionable, no you won't see this kind of "window treatment" listed in House Beautiful either. But what you will see is a smaller number on your energy bill. And there's nothing redneck at all about that.

I guess what we're saying is why go high-tech when low-tech works better and costs less, oh and it won't be obsolete like some of these items we all overpaid for back in the day.